Kamvan Industreis

Trader Wholesaler Bharatpur, RJ

Deals In

About Us

Kamvan Industries is a leading mustard oil ,mustard oil cake and Bio mass Briquette producer in the northwestern region of India. An essential oil in India, it is considered a staple among the various cooking oils. Every Indian cuisine requires mustard oil for its preparation. We at Kamvan Industries understand how important it is to serve our customers with oil that is pure and unadulterated. So we have developed the latest technologies and machinery at our plant in Bharatpur in Rajasthan to bring to our customers oil that is absolutely pure and refined. Your food is never complete without our brand of cooking oil. We make sure the production process does not entail any human touch to prevent any sort of contamination. We can guarantee you that our oil is so safe that even the smallest child or the elder most people in your family are safe with the consumption of our oil.

Establishment in : 2021
Nature of Business : Private Limited Company
Number of Employees : Upto 10 People

Contact Details

Contact : Chirag Gupta
Phone : 8126122204
Website : https://www.exportersindia.com/m-s-kamvan-industry-oil-mill/
Email : kamvanipl@gmail.com


Retail Counter :

Village Angrawali, Pahari Road, Kaman, Bharatpur, Rajasthan - 321022, India