Oppenheimer Faith Foods Private Limited

Trader Exporter, Supplier Indore, MP

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About Us

To the world of soy “The Wonder bean” withOppenheimer Faith Foods Pvt.Ltd., India.

Soybean (Glycine max) ,otherwise known as a ‘miracle crop’ with over 40% protein and 20% oil, originated in China, as early as in 2853 BC. The Emperor Sheng- Nung of China named it as one of the five sacred grains .As you can see soybean has been cultivated in china for more than 4,000 years.

Soybean originated in china and was introduced to India centuries ago through the Himalayan routes and also brought in via Burma (now Myanmar) by traders from Indonesia. As a result, soybean has been traditionally grown on a small scale in Himachal Pradesh , The Kumaon Hills of Uttar Pradesh ( now Uttaranchal), Eastern Bengal , The Khasi Hills ,Manipur ,The Naga Hills ,and parts of Central India covering Madhya Pradesh . Due to its high protein and oil content and other attributes such as its beneficial effects on soil fertility , several attempts were made in the past to popularize soybean cultivation in India.

Establishment in : 2001
Nature of Business : Private Limited Company
Annual Turnover : Rs. 5 - 50 Crore

Contact Details

Contact : Sanjay Srivastava
Phone :
Email : vk@faithindia.com


Registered Office :

No.105, Vidyapati Apartment, 17 Race Course Road, Indore-451003, Madhya Pradesh, India