R. R. Oomerbhoy Pvt. Ltd.

Trader Manufacturer Mumbai, MH

Deals In

About Us

Since it began operations in 1995, R. R. Oomerbhoy Pvt. Ltd. (RRO) has remained committed to good health and quality food products. This has been achieved by focusing on performance and marketing excellence. Harnessing our rich legacy of experience and expertise in edible oil trade, our product portfolio ranges from premium edible oils to leading global brands in other food categories.

RRO infuses each of its businesses and partnerships with professionalism, dedication and a healthy outlook to good eating. A leading Indian FMCG company, RRO is in the business of manufacturing, marketing and distribution of quality food products. From marketing international products in India to creating niche markets for Indian products abroad, each day offers opportunities to sample new flavors and textures, explore and bring new age products closer to you.

RRO's expertise and market goodwill have facilitated its standing as a market leader today. Uncompromising on the high standards they have set and constantly aspire to, distribution strengths, an efficient field force, solid financial resources, organizational skills, people skills, a dedication to hard work and contagious enthusiasm are the keystones of our success.

Our choice of local and international alliances reflects these values. Every alliance is developed independently as a strategic business unit with an aim of achieving maximum potential return on business investment through achieving sales turnover with optimum cost efficiency. Our objective is to provide marketing, sales and distribution services to foreign and Indian companies wishing to introduce their quality products in the Indian market.

From sourcing the finest seeds for oil extraction to stringent quality standards in processing, RRO has earned an enviable reputation in the manufacturing and marketing of superior edible oils. So today, when you think of RRO, think of good health, taste and lifestyle; think of quality, nutritious, pure and fresh cooking mediums. Think of good health at your dining table.

Establishment in : 1995
Nature of Business : Private Limited Company
Annual Turnover : Rs. 5 Crores - 50 Crores

Contact Details

Contact : Mr. Riyad Oomerbhoy
Phone : 22 35500607
Website : https://rropl.com/
Email : info@rropl.com


Registered Office :



MUMBAI - 400 020